Mines of Spain 100 Run 2021
Photographs taken during the 2021 Mines of Spain 100 in Dubuque, IA.
Pre-race, start-finish
Josh, Race Director at packet pickup
Earl, shiny and clean pre-race
Julian Dubuque Bridge over the Mississippi River
Pre-race, crewville
Rick Mayo photograhing Josh
Josh giving pre-race talk
Earl Pre-race
The start, Earl is visible
Down the Greenbelt Trail
Down the Greenbelt Trail
Runners on Greenbelt Trail
First steps (of many)
Julian Dubuque Monument and the Mississippi River
Julian Dubuque Monument on the Mississippi River
Earl at the Dubuque monument
Mississippi River
Mississippi River and Julian Dubuque Bridge
Off the road onto the trail
Curving easy downhill
Earl, somewhere in the first ten miles
Runners on a park road
Horseshoe Bluff
Tony and Earl, Loop 2, Horseshoe Bluff area
Horseshoe Bluff
Grassy Trails
View from a hilltop platform
Runners on a leafy trail, early on
Grassy trails and hillsides
Climbing up from a stream bed
In the distance, the Bridge over Catfish Creek
Catfish Creek
Course Marshals
Best sign ever
The steep metal stairs up the hill before the Dubuque Memorial
Lap 3 or 4, In the night time
Earl finishing
Earl and josh
Post race portrait, not so new and shiny