Map | The Texoma Wheat Growers parking lot and grain elevators, the Start Line.
Map | Where we'll be in a few minutes. Still only 59 F out there.
Map | Teams mingle before the start.
Map | We're off, heading north into Oklahoma on Hwy 95.
Map | There's a whole lot of flat out there.
Map | Relay teams with the Texoma Elevators in the background.
Map | Clear Blue Sky.
Map | Rangeland.
Map | Down the first hill.
Map | Crew vehicles and runners with the elevators in the background.
Map | A dry wash and a hill. Who said this was flat?
Map | Can still see the Texoma elavators.
Map | A sandy cut bank.
Map | Lone runner in the distance.
Map | Past Aid Station #1, > 11 miles, and the Texoma Elevators are still visible. They finally sink below the horizon about 15 miles into the race.
Map | They aren't all dry washes.
Map | Me, tired and sweaty.
Map | Four Corners. Aid Station #2 and time to turn north off US Highway 412, and back onto State Highway 95.
Map | Just a 17 mile run north to Kansas.
Map | A big sandy wash.
Map | Me, even more tired and sweaty. Resorting to music.
Map | The school windmill. Aid Station #3 is in the school parking lot.
Map | The praerie starts just on the other side of the track.
Map | Hot, tired, sweaty but done.
Map | First woman solo runner heads out onto the track.
Map | Third woman solo finisher. The top three ladies came in right after each other taking the third, fourth and fifith spots, overall.
Map | Gary Cantrell and myself after the race. He had a foot injury and had to drop after 22 miles or so.
Map | Spectacular blister on the big toe, didn't even know I had it until I took off the shoe. No pain at all. It was fine until the next morning, when one of our dogs stepped on it and burst it. Owe!