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NexGen Sequencing
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I have an set of instructors notes for each project. However, to get them you need to contact me. Please send me an email with your name, institution and position and I'll send you the instructor pages.
Project DNA1 Assembly and Analysis of a cloned DNA fragment using Staden Software
In this multipart project, your students will use programs in the STADEN software package to assemble a contiguous DNA sequence from trace files and analyze the sequence. The studentswill construct a restriction enzyme map of the DNA and use the DNA sequence to search GenBank and download similar sequences.
Project DNA2 Assembly and Analysis of a cloned DNA fragment using Snapgene Software
In this multipart project, your students will use programs in the SnapGene viewer software to assemble a contiguous DNA sequence from trace files and analyze the sequence. The students will construct a restriction enzyme map of the DNA and use the DNA sequence to search GenBank and download similar sequences.
Project DNA3 Assembly and Analysis of a PCR Amplicon using SeqTrace Software
In this project, your students will use the SeqTrace program to assemble a contiguous DNA sequence from trace files generated when sequencing a PCR amplicon. The students will remove "bad" data and generate a contiguous sequence and analyze it.
Project DNA4 Analysis and Confirmation of DNA Mutagenesis
In this project, students use the programs and tools they tested in Projects D1-D3 to test if a PCR mutagenesis project has succeeded or failed. They will determine if the desired mutations were made in a gene and if other non-desired mutations were made.
Project DNA5 Comparison of sequences using CLUSTAL
In this project, students align sequences using Clustal X2. You can also infer phylogeny and make trees.
Project DNA6 Using MEGA to Analyze Aligned Sequence Data
In this project, you can use the aligned sequences from Project D5 in the MEGA software suite. Here there are different alignment methods, and many analysis programs for inferring phylogeny; plus drawing trees, of course.
Project DNA7 Comparing a DNA sequence to sequences in GenBank using BLAST
Got a DNA or RNA sequence and want to learn more about it? In this project, students learn how to search GenBank with BLAST to identify similar sequences and infer sequence function.
Project DNA8 Analyzing Lambdavirus Expression Clones using BLAST and GenBank
Identify some positive Lambdavirus expression clones and wonder what protein they could be expressing? In this project, students look at real DNA sequences from expression clones and determine which gene product is being expressed.
Email ELB Please send your name, institution and position